Well being older than you, I will serve as the ghost of Christmans future. No matter what people say or write , swear or "bare their souls" on social media I'm a skeptic. Aging is confusing, confounding, and a quick trip down the "rabbit hole." Everything changes. Youth is a blessing , aging is adjusting both physically and psychologically to limitations that sneak up on you. And trust me there will be limitations. Your mind and body that never let you down ..... will,. What we don't know is the degree and timing. Social media alone wears you out.....so get out, walk a dog, read a book in a cafe, surround yourself with friends. Don't be trapped , get out in the three dimensional world while you can.

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I’m there with you — I am on the precipice of 55 and know there’s so much more to life than social media showcasing. I’m pitching a fashion essay collection (takes of love, loss, working in fashion and finding my authentic self all told through what I wore) but even that endeavor to find a book agent feels overly challenging at the moment. I just wrote about burnout in my latest substack newsletter, as I feel it’s so often high expectations that are bringing us down … and wearing us out. Moreso than our age. Hang in there. I hear after this eclipse the lunar issues causing mayhem is going to settle down.

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p.s. I am watching Schitt's Creek for the third time and loving it!!! I love them and look forward to turning it on. What great writing and character development; it's a joy again and again and ;yet again.

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Wow we're in exactly the same headspace these days. xo

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